寬 幅(fu) 軟 板
Wide PVC Soft Board
Chinase first wide soft sheet,the width no less than 1.85m.
是一種優(you)質(zhi)的PVC材(cai)料(liao)。表面(mian)光滑,亮麗(li)透明(ming),無(wu)裂縫無(wu)氣泡, 色澤(ze)均勻。具有耐熱、耐寒(-30℃)、耐
Is a kind of high-quality plastic rubber composite materal,clear and transparent,with smooth surface and uniform color,free from cracks or bubbles,With heat and hardy (-30°C)resistant,strong acid and alkali resistance,pressure resistance,antistatic,shoc resistance,good tensile resistance,anti-aging,pervious to light,long life and other characteristics.Widely used in electronics,chemical medicine,food,clothing factory,working platform and can be used on workbench top,machine surface and desk top.